City of Sierra Madre at Yellow Flag Alert
The City has received an updated Mud Alert from the County of Los Angeles Public Works Department indicating a Phase 1 Mud Forecast. This Yellow Flag Alert replaces the Red Flag Alert that has been in effect since yesterday morning. The National Weather Service is forecasting 60% chance of precipitation today that transitions into 30% chance of precipitation for tonight.
It is still recommended that residents in the following areas prepare for possible mudflows:
Auburn Avenue east of Auburn Debris Basin; the development under construction north of Carter Avenue; Carter Avenue between the development and Mira Monte Avenue; Mt. Wilson Trail near Mira Monte Avenue; Churchill Road near Skyland Drive; Skyland Drive; streets below Sierra Madre Debris Dam (Sumac Trail, Brookside Lane, Woodland Drive); Yucca Trail; Lotus Lane, above Camillo Street and Sturtevant Debris Basin; Sunrise Hill Lane; Santa Anita Canyon Road above Lannan Debris Basin.
Should mudflow occur, the Sierra Madre Public Works Department will begin cleanup activities on Friday, December 26, with the first priority to get the streets open.
The barrier across Brookside Lane and Woodland Drive has been removed this morning. The barrier will be replaced if deemed necessary and in that event, vehicular access to Upper Brookside Lane and Upper Woodland Drive will be closed.
The Yellow Flag Alert also restricts parking on streets in the Upper and Lower Canyon. Affected streets are Mount Wilson Trail, Churchill Rd., Skyland Dr., Fern Glen, Fern Dr., Idlehour Ln., Canyon Crest Dr., Orange Dr., Woodland Dr., Brookside Lane, Sunnyside Lane, Yucca Trail, Elm Ave, Sturtevant Dr. and Holly Trail. Vehicles left on the street may be towed at the owner’s expense.
Again, thank you for your cooperation, your attentiveness, and your contributing efforts to make this a safe holiday for Sierra Madre.
Merry Christmas!
posted by James