Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sierra Madre Remains at Green Flag Alert

City of Sierra Madre remains at Green Flag Alert

The City of Sierra Madre remains at Green Flag Alert. However, the City is monitoring information from the County of Los Angeles Public Works department and would like residents to be aware that a “Phase 1” Mudflow Forecast may be issued. The National Weather Service has forecasted 80%-100% precipitation through Wednesday.

GREEN FLAG - Activated under a prediction of 80% - 100% chance of precipitation. Affected residents should get “READY” for potential evacuation. This includes keeping a close watch on weather forecasts.

YELLOW FLAG - Activated with an LA County Phase 1 mudflow forecast, or deemed consistent with the County’s forecast thresholds. This is described as small, isolated debris and mudflows possible at specific locations. Affected residents should get “SET” to leave their homes and may choose to voluntarily evacuate. Please note that all vehicles must be off the streets in potential mudflow areas during Yellow Flag alerts.

RED FLAG - Activated with an LA County Phase 2 or 3 forecast. Phase 2 includes moderate debris and mudflows at more widespread locations. Phase 3 - the potential exists for significant debris and mudflows to be widespread. Affected residents should “GO”, meaning they should immediately evacuate, and vehicles should not be parked on the streets.

The City has identified a number of streets that will need to be clear of all vehicles during a Yellow Flag or Red Flag alert. The affected streets are: Mount Wilson Trail, Churchill Rd., Skyland Dr., Fern Glen, Fern Dr., Idlehour Ln., Canyon Crest Dr., Orange Dr., Woodland Dr., Brookside Lane, Sunnyside Lane, Sturtevant Drive, and Yucca Trail. The Yellow and Red Flag Alerts will trigger vehicles being towed from these streets at the owners’ expense.


Should the City order evacuations, please plan to be as self-sufficient as possible with important paperwork, medications, and clothing for at least seven days. It is important anticipate a possible evacuation order, and make plans for your pets in advance.

Please note that Public Safety Officials do not take evacuation orders lightly and residents should heed these orders. Once mud begins to flow, Emergency Responders will NOT rescue those who failed to evacuate until the mud has stopped flowing and it is safe for responders to enter the mud flow areas.

For more information about mudslide and debris flow preparations, please visit and click “Emergency Preparedness Information” and on the home page. Updates will also be issued on SMTV3 (Time Warner-channel 3), Sierra Madre Community Radio (AM 1630), and the City’s Emergency Blog (