The City of Sierra Madre has returned to a Green Flag Alert.
There still the possibility of hazards as streets may become flooded or blocked by debris with the intermittent storm cells that may pass over the area today and this evening.Parking restrictions have been lifted for the Upper and Lower Canyon.
Sandbags are available at the City Yards. Residents must fill and transport their own bags.
Bailey Canyon Park, Mt. Wilson Trail, and Chantry Road will remain closed until further notice.
For updates and future emergency information, please be sure to monitor the City’s Communication tools:
PHONE: 626-355-7135 (choose option 8 for storm updates)
City Website (
SMTV3, (channel 3 on Time Warner Cable)
Sierra Madre Emergency Blog (
Email Alerts “eBlasts” - To register for email alerts please visit, click on AccessSierraMadre, and then click CommunicationLink to register your email address.