The City of Sierra Madre City Council approved Resolution No. 10-07 Proclaiming the Existence of a local emergency. The City has a Mandatory Evacuation Order to cover the entire “Upper” canyon areas and the entire “Lower” canyon areas. The Order also includes Lotus Lane (above the Sturtevant Debris Basin), and Auburn Ave., (private road sections above Elm St.).
The Mayor, Council, and Public Safety officials asked residents to follow evacuation orders. Residents who prefer to stay in their homes threaten themselves, their neighbors, and emergency personnel.
Road Closures are in effect at various locations leading to the Mandatory Evacuation Order locations. These closures are being enforced by the Sierra Madre Police Department, Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department and officers from surrounding law enforcement agencies. City Staff is closely monitoring the situation throughout the night. The cooperation of our residents is crucial to the safety and protection of life and property in these areas.
Additional Important Information:
o The City has opened the Community Recreation Center at 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd as an evacuation location. Crated animals will be allowed. The evacuation center will close at 9:00PM if there are no evacuees that require overnight shelter.
o The American Red Cross Shelter at La Canada High School, (South Gym, 4463 Oak Grove Ave, La Canada) will be open to Sierra Madre residents throughout the duration of the incident.
o Sand and sandbags are available 24 hours a day at the City Maintenance Facility. The address is 621 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. The sand and sandbags are located north of the Sierra Vista Park tennis courts, and next to the Sierra Madre Rose Float building. Residents must fill their own bags and are advised to bring a shovel.
o Bailey Canyon Park, Mt. Wilson Trail, and Chantry Road are all closed until further notice.
The City of Sierra Madre is appreciative of the diligent preparations and friendly cooperation that its residents have demonstrated through all of our recent emergencies.
For updates and future emergency information, please be sure to monitor the City’s Communication tools:
City Website (
SMTV3, (channel 3 on Time Warner Cable)
Sierra Madre Emergency Blog (
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