Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Earthquake Felt in Sierra Madre

At 11:42 a.m. the Sierra Madre Community felt an 5.4 earthquake that was centered approximately 25 miles away.

Preliminary checks of the Sierra Madre downtown district and throughout town reveal no damage, nor have there been any calls to the Police Department reporting damage.

City staff will continue to monitor this situation. For more details on the earthquake, please visit:

For earthquake preparedness tips visit:

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rain in the Forecast

The City of Sierra Madre would like to remind all residents that there is still a serious risk of mudslides, and the National Weather Service forecasts a 30% chance of showers and thunderstorms this weekend.

The May 22-24 storms that resulted in approximately 1800 cy of mud on city streets was originally forecasted as a 20% chance of rain – and we all recall what happened then.

If you live in potentially affected areas, please prepare yourself! Sandbags are once again available at the Public Works Yard, 621 E. Sierra Madre Blvd, behind Sierra Vista Park.

If you do not live in the affected areas and would like to assist your fellow community members by filling sandbags, please contact Suzi McConnel or James Carlson at 626-355-7135.

For updated weather and Public Safety Information, please visit http://cityofsierramadre.com/index.php?mod=city_article&id=89.